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Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)
Blepharoplasty (sculpting of the eyelids) can correct puffiness, drooping, or wrinkling of the eyelids by removing excess skin, stretched muscle, and excess fat from the upper or lower eyelids. Loose upper eyelid skin may even obstruct vision. In the lower eyelids, excess skin and bulging fatty tissue can contribute to puffiness, swelling, and wrinkling. It can also cause a baggy appearance of the eye and a "tired look".

Surgical correction to the upper eyelid is made by an incision in the fold of the upper eyelid; excess skin is removed and fatty tissue if it contributes to the puffiness. A fine line is present after healing; however, it is hidden in the natural eyelid crease when the eye is open and is minimally visible when the eye is closed.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty allows for the correction of loose skin and puffiness of the lower eyes. The "transconjunctival" blepharoplasty is a dramatic technology that corrects puffiness of the lower eyelid. Utilizing the CO2 laser, a more precise incision with diminished bleeding tends to occur, which may help decrease bruising. Incisions are hidden inside the lower eyelid (no external incisions) and fat is minimized by laser ablation technology. With this technology the puffiness is immediately diminished on the lower eyelid. In cases when external incisions are needed, a small inconspicuous incision is placed below the eyelashes. These procedures are often combined with a browlift or if additional lifting of the brow is needed with the endoscopic forehead and browlift.
Recovery time is minimal and new laser technology minimizes noticeable bruising. The surgery takes about one hour and the eyes are not bandaged.
In cases of "hollowness" under the eyes (naso-jugal defect), a midface rejuvenation can offer a more dramatic and balanced effect.
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